Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Egypt court ends virginity tests on female detainees

Bacon is all upset!!

   CAIRO (Reuters) - 12/27/11 -  An Egyptian court ordered on Tuesday that forced virginity tests be stopped on female detainees in military prisons. (My question is...what happens when they find a woman who isn't a virgin?)
     The case was filed by Samira Ibrahim, a woman who said the army forced her to undergo a virginity test in March after she was arrested during a protest in Cairo's Tahrir Square. (how degrading is this? Only in an Islamic country can you hear of something so repulsive and degrading as this. This should truly show how they care for their women...NOT!!)

Human rights organizations say that there have been many other such tests by the military.

"The court orders that the execution of the procedure of virginity tests on girls inside military prisons be stopped," said judge Aly Fekry, head of Cairo Administrative court. Hundreds of activists inside the courtroom cheered after the ruling was read out. (This article should be spread throughout the world.....)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

First off, on behalf of the Infidel Task Force let me wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. May your families be healthy, happy and safe. And let me send a prayer to the beleaguered Christians in the Middle East and Africa. Stand your grounds people!! Keep your faith in your heart, but maintain strength in your arms. Keep your children safe and sound. Never lose faith, for He is always with you.
 With that I need to ask all our Infidel viewers, followers, partners and members for a little help. Mostly input, suggestions, comments....anything.
The Infidel Task Force  just opened a new satellite site:
 Now...your first question would be:
  Why did you start another site when you have, the main site, our Facebook site and Americans Against Shariah? What do we need a fourth site for? 
  Well...my answer to you would be....I DON'T KNOW, LEAVE ME ALONE!
  There is really only one reason why it was initiated, and that's to give our readers something they don't get on this site. And that is the option to comment directly on the article. As much as I wish you could, it can't be done on the Webs server.
  Blogger is very popular. I and a few others of the ITF have our personal blogs located there. We have ours to do what bloggers do....and that's to voice our opinions and speak our minds. 
  So what am I asking of you? Your input. What should we do with the site? How should it be handled? Specific information on Islam or general info? Who do we get to maintain it? 
  Plus a host of other questions I am sure will come to mind. None the less, it is there and we should use it. Already we have two followers (yeah, I know. One is me...so what ?) and I'm sure more will come once the word gets out.
  So  what do you think? Lets hear from you alright?  We have it, lets do something with it. I'll put this commentary on the satellite site so you folks can visit and comment. Don't hold back!
Greetings Visitors,
If you are here, its because you are a loyal follower of the Infidel Task Force. By now you know we have our main site:
and we are on Facebook.
I really don't know what we intend to use this satellite site for, but I'm sure we'll think of something.

Friday, December 23, 2011

President Barack Obama
   In the 20th century, we had the genocide of the Armenians. WW2 brought us the genocide of the European Jews. And at the end of the century 800,000 Hutus were slaughtered by their Tutsi neighbors, while the UN and the rest of the world did nothing.


  Are you going to sit by and say nothing about the Christians being slaughtered in the Middle Eastern world? Are you going to hide while churches are burned? Are you going to turn your back on the very people that look to you and this country for help?

Mr President...are you going to let another genocide happen while you serve your term in office? Because it is going to happen. If nothing is said or done, Mr President, you will go down in history as another Democratic president who did nothing to stop the mass slaughter of fellow human beings.

Mr. President, I am urging you to present during the forthcoming State of the Union Address your administration’s policy to prevent the eradication of the endangered Christian communities and other religious minorities of the Islamic Middle East.

Welcome all to the Infidel Task Force blogger site.