Tikrit (NINA) – Police in Salaheddin province found 7 beheaded bodies in Tikrit.
source told NINA that the bodies found in various parts of Qadisiya
neighborhood, northern Tikrit; they are bearing bullet shots.
added that earlier in the day, the bodies' heads were found, and been
identified; they belonged to workers of an Italian firm the the Tirkit
Stadium; 5 of them are residents of Tikrit while the remaining 2 are
from Baghdad.
Earlier in the day, police found 5 heads filled
with explosives in Qadisiya neighborhood in Tikrit, the explosive been
deactivated and taken to the city morgue.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Islamist group calls Tiananmen attack that killed Pinay 'jihadi operation' – SITE
DUBAI - An Islamist group calling itself the Turkestan Islamic Party
said a deadly car crash in Beijing's Tiananmen Square on Oct. 28 was a
"jihadi operation" by its mujahideen, or holy warriors, the SITE
monitoring service said.
The service, which tracks Islamist militant statements, said the party had released a Uighur language audio speech from its leader Abdullah Mansour in which he said such operations were only the beginning of attacks on Chinese authorities.
In the attack, a vehicle ploughed through bystanders on the edge of the capital's Tiananmen Square and burst into flames, killing the three people in the car and two bystanders including a Filipina tourist.
In an eight-minute message, Mansour said Uighur fighters would target even the Great Hall of the People, where the Chinese parliament meets and China's Communist Party holds legislative and ceremonial activities, SITE said.
The service quoted Mansour as saying: "O Chinese unbelievers, know that you have been fooling East Turkestan for the last 60 years, but now they have awakened. The people have learned who is the real enemy and they returned to their own religion. They learned the lesson."
Chinese authorities have blamed what they called the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, a Muslim Uighur separatist group, for the attack, and arrested five people they said were radical Islamists planning a holy war.
It was not immediately clear if that group is connected to the one purportedly led by Mansour. Security has since been strengthened in both Beijing and in Xinjiang, the restive far western region the Uighurs call home. — Reuters
The service, which tracks Islamist militant statements, said the party had released a Uighur language audio speech from its leader Abdullah Mansour in which he said such operations were only the beginning of attacks on Chinese authorities.
In the attack, a vehicle ploughed through bystanders on the edge of the capital's Tiananmen Square and burst into flames, killing the three people in the car and two bystanders including a Filipina tourist.
In an eight-minute message, Mansour said Uighur fighters would target even the Great Hall of the People, where the Chinese parliament meets and China's Communist Party holds legislative and ceremonial activities, SITE said.
The service quoted Mansour as saying: "O Chinese unbelievers, know that you have been fooling East Turkestan for the last 60 years, but now they have awakened. The people have learned who is the real enemy and they returned to their own religion. They learned the lesson."
Chinese authorities have blamed what they called the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, a Muslim Uighur separatist group, for the attack, and arrested five people they said were radical Islamists planning a holy war.
It was not immediately clear if that group is connected to the one purportedly led by Mansour. Security has since been strengthened in both Beijing and in Xinjiang, the restive far western region the Uighurs call home. — Reuters
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Time To Stand Together
Blackboot Jack
THEY attacked us on September 11 2001. The death toll was 2998 innocent people. Muslims danced in the streets. Since then Radical Islamists have been killing American citizens who have done nothing but lived their lives and loved their country. In 2010 a muslim cleric wanted to open a mosque two minutes walking distance from the Twin Towers. American patriots stood up against it. They offer NO apologies, they give NO respect.
Americans treat their neighbors and friends in friendly manner. Not all Americans, but most do . There is no animosity from most Americans. But muslim Americans say they get no respect. They are bullied. They are being targeted by the FBI, the police, the CIA, Homeland security, the PTA, Infidel Task Force and just about everyone in general. Foreign born muslims scream louder, foreign born Islamic clerics speak the loudest. And those are the guys that cause the most trouble.
Now muslims intend on marching in Washington DC. And when do they intend to march? On the anniversary of the day they sent their vicious savage killers to crash into two skyscrapers, explode FOUR aircraft and kill as many Americans as they can. Its not a march against "injustice", its a VICTORY march and don't let anyone say differently. Its a victory march for the savages that killed our fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers and friends and lovers on our land. And it will not stop, it will happen again.
Lets put our hands together and stand with our heads held high. Let us shout with our voices and that we will not be afraid, we will not back down. Spread the word onto every web site, every blog, all social media and newspaper that we can get too. America is not afraid, we will not be threatened. We will not deter in our goal of removing radical Islam from our shore.
Americans will not let one of the saddest days in history be
disrespected by violent induced savages. They will not take that from
us. They will not change our Constitution, nor our freedoms. They will
not take from us the right to speak our minds and hearts, and if they
are offended, they can do what the good Christians do and that is to
turn the other cheek. It is time to stand together and fight the people
who wish to rule us, to kill us, to conquer us. Time to be Americans!!
Let our voices speak loud and clear and strong. Together we will stand up against this radical ideology and together we will sever the Bloody Hands of Islam!!
Friday, June 7, 2013
First U.S. drone strike under new Pakistan prime minister kills seven
DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan (Reuters) - A U.S. drone strike killed seven people and wounded three in northwest Pakistan late on Friday, security officials said, in the first such attack since the swearing-in of Nawaz Sharif as prime minister this week.
In his inaugural address to
parliament, Sharif called for an immediate end to U.S. drone strikes on
militants, which many view as a breach of Pakistan's sovereignty.
The bombing comes 10 days after a similar U.S. drone attack killed the Pakistani Taliban's second-in-command, Wali-ur-Rehman, and six others in a major blow to the militant group.
President Barack Obama said last month the United States would scale back drone strikes, only using them when a threat was "continuing and imminent".
Friday's attack was on a compound near the Afghan border in North
Waziristan region, 45 km (25 miles) west of the regional capital
Miranshah. At least two missiles were fired from the unmanned aircraft
and the death toll could rise, the sources said.Drone casualties are difficult to verify. Foreign journalists must have permission from the military to visit the Pashtun tribal areas along the Afghan border. Taliban fighters often seal off the sites of drone strikes immediately.
U.N. launches record appeal to cover Syria crisis
gives a F#$%^&* what happens in Syria or any other muslim country
when a GENOCIDE is happening against Christians in the middle east and
Northern Africa!! I am so sick of this Useless Nations. Condemn Israel
for protecting its people and look with a blind eye to African
Christians...but help out the poor poor Syrians who back al-Quida!
"Syria as a civilization is unraveling," said the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, announcing the call for some $5 billion before the end of the year.
The joint statement by U.N.
agencies coincided with heavy fighting on numerous fronts, as rebels
attacked an air base in northern Syria while forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad sought to capitalize on their own recent gains.
Clashes also continued on the Golan Heights, close to the ceasefire
line between Israel and Syria, a day after rebels briefly seized the
sole crossing between the two foes.
Austria, a major contributor to a U.N. monitoring mission in the
Golan, announced on Thursday it was withdrawing from the area because of
the violence, jeopardizing an operation that has helped keep the
Israeli-Syrian war quiet for four decades.
Russian President Vladimir Putin,
who has backed the Syrian government since the start of the unrest in
March 2011, said Moscow was ready to replace the Austrian peacekeepers.
"But this will happen, of course, only if the regional powers show
interest, and if the U.N. secretary general asks us to do so," Putin
said at a meeting with Russian officers.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
CAIR assaults the First Amendment
CHICAGO, May 7, 2013 — Those warm fuzzy America bashing folks at the Chicago Chapter of
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) are trying to dismantle the
First Amendment again. CAIR’s targets this time are a greeting card
company and Chicago stationary store. The long established business is
well known for Avant Garde, offensive and humorous items. Many of the
wares are sexually suggestive and aimed at the gay community, which
populates the area.
According to the New York Daily News, the alleged civil rights and educational organization is upset over a Muslim greeting card found in a Chicago store, He Who Eats Mud.
The card features a digitally altered image of Aamina, a hijab-wearing, talking Muslim doll with a pull string. The doll is used to teach Arabic phrases and greetings.
Ahmed Rehab, the Executive Director the Chicago chapter of CAIR sees “blatant bigotry” in the card. CAIR sees blatant bigotry the American way of life. CAIR sees blatant bigotry in the First Amendment of the Constitution, which protects freedom of expression, even blatant bigotry.
NobleWorks, the card’s distributor, told media that the card had sold out in the Chicago store. The card store is located in “Boystown”, the nation’s third largest gay community. The other name for the area is East Lakeview. It is populated by a majority of very liberal people whose tender sensitivities are easily offended. Evidently, consumers in the ultra-liberal politically correct, diverse, multi-cultural neighborhood did not find the sold out card blatantly bigoted or insensitive.
“I can only imagine folks and friends who receive or read our cards, can help but wonder as to whether laughing is the appropriate thing to do,” Noble Works’ owner, Ron Kanfi, said on the company’s website. “But as our motto goes: “F**k ‘em if they can’t take a joke!” (New York Daily News)
This is America. We are Americans. We shall not fear. Our First Amendment guarantees the unalienable right to free expression. It even guarantees the right to offensive and bigoted expression. CAIR can take their politically correct, politically palatable, multi-cultural, diversity nonsense back to whatever repressive countries their members, or their ancestors claim to come from.
The false ideologies of political correctness, multi-culturalism, and diversity are direct assaults on our First Amendment rights to freed speech and free expression. Denying people rights was the whole purpose of creating those big lies.
Free means free. It does not mean free, except in the case of offending tender sensitivities. If that were the case, the Onion and a host of other expressive outlets would be banned.
By the way, in Great Britain the store owner and card publisher could be arrested and prosecuted over this card. Think about that. Is this what we want in America? Arrest for expressing one’s self?
CAIR does not have to like the cards. They do have to accept them. Expression and speech offends people every single day. That is the American way. CAIR is indirectly violating civil rights. CAIR does not care. Publicity is publicity and that is all CAIR is after. Of course they would probably get an increase in donations over this. Everyone likes money.
“I would urge him to make fun of us, but do it intelligently,” said Rehab. “Humor ought to have even a minimal amount of intelligence but when it lacks all intelligence and is the same kind of message that you would get out a white supremacist group then, it’s not so funny.” (WGN)
Someone should tell Mr. Rehab that even White supremacist groups are protected under the First Amendment. We do not have to like it. He does have to accept it, but they are protected. Just like black, Hispanic, Jewish, and Muslim supremacist groups must be protected, unless they cross the line and actively deny others their rights.
The key word is actively. They can express all they want. They can advocate all they want. They just cannot act upon their expressions or advocacy. Unless, of course the activity is merely protest.
Humor having intelligence is just an elitist form of repression and oppression. Humor is offensive by its very nature. It pokes fun at people, places, things, ideas, and whatever a humorist deems funny. Intelligence is nice but not necessary.
CAIR has once again proven it should be ignored, totally ignored. They are not a civil rights group. They are a group of oppression that would squash and squeeze the First Amendment until it bled. CAIR should take “American” out of their name. It is insulting to Americans they would use “America” to deny Americans their unalienable rights.
According to the New York Daily News, the alleged civil rights and educational organization is upset over a Muslim greeting card found in a Chicago store, He Who Eats Mud.
The card features a digitally altered image of Aamina, a hijab-wearing, talking Muslim doll with a pull string. The doll is used to teach Arabic phrases and greetings.
Ahmed Rehab, the Executive Director the Chicago chapter of CAIR sees “blatant bigotry” in the card. CAIR sees blatant bigotry the American way of life. CAIR sees blatant bigotry in the First Amendment of the Constitution, which protects freedom of expression, even blatant bigotry.
NobleWorks, the card’s distributor, told media that the card had sold out in the Chicago store. The card store is located in “Boystown”, the nation’s third largest gay community. The other name for the area is East Lakeview. It is populated by a majority of very liberal people whose tender sensitivities are easily offended. Evidently, consumers in the ultra-liberal politically correct, diverse, multi-cultural neighborhood did not find the sold out card blatantly bigoted or insensitive.
“I can only imagine folks and friends who receive or read our cards, can help but wonder as to whether laughing is the appropriate thing to do,” Noble Works’ owner, Ron Kanfi, said on the company’s website. “But as our motto goes: “F**k ‘em if they can’t take a joke!” (New York Daily News)
This is America. We are Americans. We shall not fear. Our First Amendment guarantees the unalienable right to free expression. It even guarantees the right to offensive and bigoted expression. CAIR can take their politically correct, politically palatable, multi-cultural, diversity nonsense back to whatever repressive countries their members, or their ancestors claim to come from.
The false ideologies of political correctness, multi-culturalism, and diversity are direct assaults on our First Amendment rights to freed speech and free expression. Denying people rights was the whole purpose of creating those big lies.
Free means free. It does not mean free, except in the case of offending tender sensitivities. If that were the case, the Onion and a host of other expressive outlets would be banned.
By the way, in Great Britain the store owner and card publisher could be arrested and prosecuted over this card. Think about that. Is this what we want in America? Arrest for expressing one’s self?
CAIR does not have to like the cards. They do have to accept them. Expression and speech offends people every single day. That is the American way. CAIR is indirectly violating civil rights. CAIR does not care. Publicity is publicity and that is all CAIR is after. Of course they would probably get an increase in donations over this. Everyone likes money.
“I would urge him to make fun of us, but do it intelligently,” said Rehab. “Humor ought to have even a minimal amount of intelligence but when it lacks all intelligence and is the same kind of message that you would get out a white supremacist group then, it’s not so funny.” (WGN)
Someone should tell Mr. Rehab that even White supremacist groups are protected under the First Amendment. We do not have to like it. He does have to accept it, but they are protected. Just like black, Hispanic, Jewish, and Muslim supremacist groups must be protected, unless they cross the line and actively deny others their rights.
The key word is actively. They can express all they want. They can advocate all they want. They just cannot act upon their expressions or advocacy. Unless, of course the activity is merely protest.
Humor having intelligence is just an elitist form of repression and oppression. Humor is offensive by its very nature. It pokes fun at people, places, things, ideas, and whatever a humorist deems funny. Intelligence is nice but not necessary.
CAIR has once again proven it should be ignored, totally ignored. They are not a civil rights group. They are a group of oppression that would squash and squeeze the First Amendment until it bled. CAIR should take “American” out of their name. It is insulting to Americans they would use “America” to deny Americans their unalienable rights.
Monday, May 6, 2013
At least 32 killed in Bangladesh uproar over 'blasphemous blogging'
Thirty two people were killed and hundreds injured as a rally in the
capital of Bangladesh turned violent. Police used tear gas to disperse
thousands of Islamist protesters in the streets of Dhaka who demanded
execution for “blasphemous” blogging.
The protesters are reportedly the activists from the Hefajat-e-Islam group, which blames some Internet users for blasphemy; accusing people of using their blogs to spread atheism and apparent lies about Islam.
"One point, One demand: Atheists must be hanged", chanted the demonstrators as they marched along at least six highways, blocking transport between Dhaka and other cities and towns.
The demonstrators gathered in the capital’s Motijheel commercial district, amounting to between 150,000 to 200,000 people according to AFP. On their way, they set shops and vehicles on fire, according to police accounts.
Tanzania police: 4 Saudis arrested after blast
ZANZIBAR, Tanzania (AP) — A police commander in Tanzania says four Saudi Arabian citizens have been arrested following a bomb attack on a Catholic church.Magesa Mulogo said Monday that the four Saudi nationals were among six people arrested.
Mulongo said two people died in Sunday's bombing of a newly opened church in the northern city of Arusha. Nearly four dozen people were wounded in the blast just before the church's inaugural Mass, which was attended by the pope's envoy to Tanzania.
Mulogo said eyewitnesses reported that the bomb was thrown from a motorcycle into the church. Mulogo said the driver of the motorcycle is among those arrested.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Thrown in Prison for Shredding the Koran
A Bruges, Belgium criminal court convicted a man for shredding a Koran on March 6, 2013. The court imposed a four-month prison sentence and a 600 euro fine upon him. He now additionally faces a revocation of a previous suspension of an 18-month prison sentence for having set a fire in a wood. This case highlights yet again the greater restrictions on speech in free societies outside of the United States and how these restrictions can limit open debate about Islam.
The man, identified in print only as Arne S., attended a demonstration on June 8, 2012, in Ostend, Belgium, before retiring to a café. There Arne exchanged words with a dozen Muslims and tore apart a Koran before them. As described in a Belgian press account, Arne's counsel at trial claimed that the Muslims had thrown the "sacred book" at Arne, striking him in the head. Arne's lawyer, Olivier Ryde, thus claimed that no infraction of Belgium's law on hate speech had occurred. No reports of assault charges against the Muslims have appeared.
Arne's case demonstrates that Belgium, like many other European countries, has laws against what is commonly called "hate speech." In particular, Article 22 of the Belgian Law of May 10, 2007, Aiming to Struggle Against Certain Forms of Discrimination, prohibits incitement of hatred, discrimination, violence, and/or segregation against persons of various protected classes in public settings defined by Article 444 of the Belgian Penal Code. Article 3 of the May 10, 2007, laws defines these protected classes
In Darski's case, though, the European Union's (EU) executive body, the European Commission (EC), came to Darski's defense. An EC statement on October 31, 2012 expressed the traditional justification for free speech that "[t]his right protects not only information or ideas that are favorably received or regarded as inoffensive or as a matter of indifference, but also those that offend, shock or disturb." It remains to be seen whether the EC will make the same defense à la Voltaire for Arne's anti-Islam sentiments.
Controversies about blasphemy aside, Belgium's equation of "religious" and other "convictions" with physical characteristics such as a person's place of "birth" is troubling. Such a conception of "hate speech" encompasses not just the debatable proposition of proscribing animus expressed against individuals, but also the prohibition of at least certain forms of opposition to ideas like Islam. In effect, an individual's identification with an idea like Islam helps shield this belief from attack in a kind of ideological umbrella.
The cases of Arne, Darski, and others continue to show that criticism and/or condemnation of Islam can be legally perilous in European societies traditionally restrictive of free speech out of deference to group sensibilities and social harmony. Now that Muslim communities have established themselves in an often politically correct modern Europe, rejection of Islam is no longer a merely academic matter involving distant peoples. Precisely the proximity of Islam to Europe, however, demands unfettered critical evaluation of this faith now more than ever. Modern expansive notions of "hate speech" and traditional concepts of blasphemy, now applied not just to Europe's historically dominant Christian faith but also to an increasingly prominent Islam, can only hinder this necessary inquiry into Islam.
A Bruges, Belgium criminal court convicted a man for shredding a Koran on March 6, 2013. The court imposed a four-month prison sentence and a 600 euro fine upon him. He now additionally faces a revocation of a previous suspension of an 18-month prison sentence for having set a fire in a wood. This case highlights yet again the greater restrictions on speech in free societies outside of the United States and how these restrictions can limit open debate about Islam.
The man, identified in print only as Arne S., attended a demonstration on June 8, 2012, in Ostend, Belgium, before retiring to a café. There Arne exchanged words with a dozen Muslims and tore apart a Koran before them. As described in a Belgian press account, Arne's counsel at trial claimed that the Muslims had thrown the "sacred book" at Arne, striking him in the head. Arne's lawyer, Olivier Ryde, thus claimed that no infraction of Belgium's law on hate speech had occurred. No reports of assault charges against the Muslims have appeared.
Arne's case demonstrates that Belgium, like many other European countries, has laws against what is commonly called "hate speech." In particular, Article 22 of the Belgian Law of May 10, 2007, Aiming to Struggle Against Certain Forms of Discrimination, prohibits incitement of hatred, discrimination, violence, and/or segregation against persons of various protected classes in public settings defined by Article 444 of the Belgian Penal Code. Article 3 of the May 10, 2007, laws defines these protected classes
based upon age, sexual orientation, civil state, birth, fortune, religious or philosophical conviction, political conviction, trade union views, language, actual or future state of health, handicap, physical or genetic characteristic, or social origin.Cheradenine Zakalwe of the website Islam versus Europe has asked in relation to Arne, "Is Sharia already in force in Europe?" Yet Arne is not the first individual in Europe convicted of destroying a "sacred book," nor is the Koran the only book in Europe that qualifies for this designation. Poland's supreme court ruled on October 29, 2012 that a lower court was wrong to exonerate the Polish heavy metal musician Adam Darski on blasphemy charges for having ripped apart a Bible as a "book of lies" during a September 2007 concert.
In Darski's case, though, the European Union's (EU) executive body, the European Commission (EC), came to Darski's defense. An EC statement on October 31, 2012 expressed the traditional justification for free speech that "[t]his right protects not only information or ideas that are favorably received or regarded as inoffensive or as a matter of indifference, but also those that offend, shock or disturb." It remains to be seen whether the EC will make the same defense à la Voltaire for Arne's anti-Islam sentiments.
Controversies about blasphemy aside, Belgium's equation of "religious" and other "convictions" with physical characteristics such as a person's place of "birth" is troubling. Such a conception of "hate speech" encompasses not just the debatable proposition of proscribing animus expressed against individuals, but also the prohibition of at least certain forms of opposition to ideas like Islam. In effect, an individual's identification with an idea like Islam helps shield this belief from attack in a kind of ideological umbrella.
The cases of Arne, Darski, and others continue to show that criticism and/or condemnation of Islam can be legally perilous in European societies traditionally restrictive of free speech out of deference to group sensibilities and social harmony. Now that Muslim communities have established themselves in an often politically correct modern Europe, rejection of Islam is no longer a merely academic matter involving distant peoples. Precisely the proximity of Islam to Europe, however, demands unfettered critical evaluation of this faith now more than ever. Modern expansive notions of "hate speech" and traditional concepts of blasphemy, now applied not just to Europe's historically dominant Christian faith but also to an increasingly prominent Islam, can only hinder this necessary inquiry into Islam.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Saudi TV channel under fire over 'pig' cartoon
A prominent Saudi Islamic scholar has slammed a local satellite TV children channel for showing a cartoon film involving a pig as its main character.
Sheikh Mohammed Al Areefi described the programme telecast by Ajial (generations) channel as trivial and without any educational objective.
“The cartoon film shown on that channel is trivial and has no educational or cultural benefit as it involved a pig as its star,” Al Areefi said on his Twitter page.
“I wonder who is the manager of this TV channel that shows such bad programmes…is his name is Daniel, George or what,” he added, according to Saudi newspapers.
The FBI’s Most Wanted (Islamic) Terrorists List
Three more arrests in the Boston terror bombing case
By Bill O'Reilly
Last week we told you the Boston terror suspects had to have help. They couldn't have done what they did without training and money. The FBI is investigating that angle right now. They are over in Russia.
Today federal agents arrested three men in Massachusetts who allegedly helped Dzhokhar Tsarnaev after the bombing occurred; the feds believe they hid evidence. 20-year-old Azamat Tazhayakov and 19-year-old Dias Kadyrbayev both attended the University of Massachusetts with Dzhokhar. They are exchange students from Kazakhstan. Also arrested an American citizen 19-year-old Robel Phillipos, a University of Massachusetts student from Cambridge. We don't have his picture yet.
Now think about this, these guys knew their pal had been arrested for the terror bombing and decided to help him anyway... unbelievable. Reports are the men have confessed to the crime of aiding the accused terrorist by obstructing and lying to federal agents. Their lawyers say they are innocent but that's what all lawyers say.
And there is obviously a huge problem at the University of Massachusetts. What kind of students are they accepting anyway? Four bad seeds on campus? How many more?
"Talking Points" believes the wife of slain terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev may have some exposure here as well. Remember, authorities were searching for the bombers for days before their pictures were released. And even then did the wife Katherine Russell alert the feds? Did she do anything?
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a magnet for students from all over the world. That used to be a strength when I went to school there but now there is suspicion especially on the Muslim students. Each university and college in the Bay State is responsible for the students they accept. Commonwealth is responsible for the people it supports. As we reported last night the terrorists and their family received much taxpayer money along the way. Along with the ongoing criminal investigation, there should be a state investigation to what exactly is happening in the welfare and university precincts.
And that's "The Memo."
By Bill O'Reilly
Last week we told you the Boston terror suspects had to have help. They couldn't have done what they did without training and money. The FBI is investigating that angle right now. They are over in Russia.
Today federal agents arrested three men in Massachusetts who allegedly helped Dzhokhar Tsarnaev after the bombing occurred; the feds believe they hid evidence. 20-year-old Azamat Tazhayakov and 19-year-old Dias Kadyrbayev both attended the University of Massachusetts with Dzhokhar. They are exchange students from Kazakhstan. Also arrested an American citizen 19-year-old Robel Phillipos, a University of Massachusetts student from Cambridge. We don't have his picture yet.
Now think about this, these guys knew their pal had been arrested for the terror bombing and decided to help him anyway... unbelievable. Reports are the men have confessed to the crime of aiding the accused terrorist by obstructing and lying to federal agents. Their lawyers say they are innocent but that's what all lawyers say.
And there is obviously a huge problem at the University of Massachusetts. What kind of students are they accepting anyway? Four bad seeds on campus? How many more?
"Talking Points" believes the wife of slain terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev may have some exposure here as well. Remember, authorities were searching for the bombers for days before their pictures were released. And even then did the wife Katherine Russell alert the feds? Did she do anything?
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a magnet for students from all over the world. That used to be a strength when I went to school there but now there is suspicion especially on the Muslim students. Each university and college in the Bay State is responsible for the students they accept. Commonwealth is responsible for the people it supports. As we reported last night the terrorists and their family received much taxpayer money along the way. Along with the ongoing criminal investigation, there should be a state investigation to what exactly is happening in the welfare and university precincts.
And that's "The Memo."
Monday, March 18, 2013
Lets Pave Pakistan and Put up a Parking Lot
Lets Pave Pakistan and Put up a Parking Lot
Remember that great old Joni Mitchel tune from the 1960's? "They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot"? Well I was bored tonight, slow news day and all. So I managed to alter the lyrics to keep up with our subject matter......enjoy.
While your at it, be sure to read the lyrics to the tune of They Paved Paradise....its more fun that way....

With a holy church, liquor stores, and a swingin' gay spot
Don't it always seem to go
That we know what we got and wish it was gone
Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot
They burn all the churches , and drag the men through the streets
And they kill the ones who say Islam is crap
Don't it always seem to go
That we know what we got and wish it was gone
Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot
Hey muslim muslim leave us alone,
Stay in the rat holes you love to call home
Don't it always seem to go
That we know what we got and wish it was gone
Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot
Hey now, lets pave Pakistan and put up a parking lot
Why not?
Listen, late last night, heard the screen door slam
Big stinkin muslims took my girl away
Don't it always seem to go
That we know what we got and wish it was gone
Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot
Hey now, lets pave Pakistan and put up a parking lot
Why not?
Hey now, lets pave Pakistan and put up a parking lot
Hey now, lets pave Pakistan and put up a parking lot
Remember that great old Joni Mitchel tune from the 1960's? "They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot"? Well I was bored tonight, slow news day and all. So I managed to alter the lyrics to keep up with our subject matter......enjoy.
While your at it, be sure to read the lyrics to the tune of They Paved Paradise....its more fun that way....
Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot
With a holy church, liquor stores, and a swingin' gay spot
Don't it always seem to go
That we know what we got and wish it was gone
Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot
They burn all the churches , and drag the men through the streets
And they kill the ones who say Islam is crap
Don't it always seem to go
That we know what we got and wish it was gone
Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot
Hey muslim muslim leave us alone,
Stay in the rat holes you love to call home
Don't it always seem to go
That we know what we got and wish it was gone
Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot
Hey now, lets pave Pakistan and put up a parking lot
Why not?
Listen, late last night, heard the screen door slam
Big stinkin muslims took my girl away
Don't it always seem to go
That we know what we got and wish it was gone
Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot
Hey now, lets pave Pakistan and put up a parking lot
Why not?
Hey now, lets pave Pakistan and put up a parking lot
Hey now, lets pave Pakistan and put up a parking lot
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