Saturday, September 20, 2014

D is for Dunce….and Democrat!!



BLAME BUSH!! Love ISIS!! Down with white people and the Tea Party!! Muslims are poor, poor victims!!

infidel-BBJThese and other crazy excuses flow out of Washington like waste from a sewer.  It’s getting tough to understand why this happens. After all, most  (except for Al Franken) are highly educated and wise people.  A huge number are lawyers. So why do they stand up and make such stupid comments as those below?
Maybe its the air and water down in DC? Or the fine luxurious apartments? Or the prospect of a higher office?  More money? Being fashionable and side with the poor minorities? I can think of a myriad of other reasons but I think it boils down to one item….VOTES!!
Support the little poor minorities and stand up against the “big white man” and you’re sure to bring in those black and women voters.
So keep blaming the Republicans, Bush, white man, the military, Tea Party. Never mind that the entire world hears you and your comments are broadcast to every country. Never mind that your stupid, inane quotes get published on the internet and web sites such as ours.
dunce-cap-hatI hear lines like these and I am just dumbstruck. How do idiots like these three women get elected? How do they actually help in running this country? It certainly shows what this country has for voters, and its not pretty.
Its frustrating to listen to these fools spout comments such as the ones below and still take them seriously. After all these fools are the ones leading our country. These people were elected to protect  our country, and what do they say?  Shariah Law is compatible to the US constitution. Have they ever read the Constitution? Do they know or realize what Shariah is all about? Do they know what Islam stands for? HOLY CRAP!! Listen, read, watch!! You may learn something.
When cornered with a question they can’t answer, is blaming Bush the best they can do? That seems to be the democratic mantra.
Are they the least bit aware that ISIS is the worst thing to come along since the days of Mao Tse Tung…Kymer Rouge…Stalin…Hitler. A genocide is being conducted in the Middle East and Africa and all they can say is… “Americans should be more careful.” Pathetic!!
It long past time that these idiots are pushed out of office and replaced with patriotic, America loving, common sense human beings.
There….I feel better.  how about you?

Sheila Jackson Lee Blames Bush for ISIS

Lee said, “The ideal of ISIS began in 2006 long before President Obama long before Secretary Johnson,” and “before the American withdrawal.” in Iraq. Thus, she concluded, “Let be very clear — I believe our president has been very effective,” she said, in addressing the national security threat ISIS poses.    (ooooookkkkaaayyyyy)
…and here’s another……

Democrat Congresswoman Blames Reporters for Their Beheadings; Says They Should Be More Careful

  Democrat Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson: “They are not attacking the U.S. and we do not, and I will not support unilateral strikes”
Reporter: “Well, they did kill two Americans”
Democrat Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson: “Yes.”
Reporter: “To a lot of people, that means we have been attacked. You don’t see it that way?”
And we saved the best for last…..

Maxine Waters Says Shariah Law Is Compatible With US Constitution

    On February 19, 2012 a public town hall meeting took place at the Islamic Society of Orange County, California.
Democrat Maxine Waters told the audience Shariah Law was compatible with the US Constitution.
What a complete moron.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Memo To Muslims in America: Don’t Side With ISIS

Not if you know whats good for you!
In today’s world it’s really cool to side with the underdog or the minority or whatever. Standing up for the gays and harassing the gun owner is very fashionable.  Lets all throw out our bibles and march in the street for Islam. Shall we?
infidel-BBJSpeaking of Islam, it seems that muslims and their lame brain clerics are openly showing support for the radical, blood thirsty, genocidal maniacs known as ISIS. These savages are conducting an eradication of non-muslimns in Iraq and Syria. Its not enough to just let them live and pay the Jizya, oh no!! Take their heads off!!
It works on Christians, Jews, Assyrians….hey! Everybody can lose their heads of ISIS!! Convert to Islam or die. How would you like to see that posted on your door some early morning?
Demonstrations have been held in New York, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and many pother cities, all in support of Hamas and ISIS.  Islamic clerics are openly stating: “Things are different down there than they are here, and I understand why they are killing people,”
That’s from a cleric in Norwalk CT. Maybe its time we do something, because its one thing to march, petition and support a good cause, but Hamas and ISIS aren’t good causes. In fact they are US and European designated terrorist organizations.  
Support for those groups and many others, will not only get you arrested, but criminally prosecuted, and hopefully convicted.
Below are two screen shots from the US Department of State web site listing of Islamic terrorist organizations:
designated foreighn terrorist orgs a1 
HAMAS is a US and European designated terrorist organization.  Their cause is dedicated to eradicating the Israeli people.  They want them dead or gone.  You support HAMAS in the US, your a supporter of a terrorist organization and you should be prosecuted tot he fullest extent of the law. (And I hope you get your balls cut off as well.)
designated foreighn terrorist orgs 2
Hey look at that!! Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. That’s ISIS…or ISIL depending on what day it is. They’re a terrorist organization too. My My. …Who would have guessed? And look when they were designated – 12/17/2004!! I believe that date is correct. The government doesn’t make typos.
So, Muslims in America. You still want to openly support these organizations that wish to rape and slaughter men, women, children. Detach their heads from their bodies. Sell the Christian women as sex slaves and chop young boys in half?  Do you still wish to do that.  If you do, and you think you have the right of free speech to do so, think again. If you believe I am lying in what I say…look below and read the fine print.
designated foreighn terrorist orgs 3There….I feel better. How about you?