Thursday, July 19, 2012

     Here's another love letter from Omar who, I must admit he was very polite about it, asking us to shut down our web site. These guys just don't get it.
 From:      Omar Asad <>
Subject: The Infidel Task Force   
Date:      Thu 07-19-2012

 Asalalikum Whartmitalwhobargato,
  Dear brother or sister of Islam. I write this email with a heavy heart asking you to please remove this website. Although you may have nothing but the purest intentions, the majority of the sites vistors will only see this as a negative impact and think badly of Islam. In which turn you are actually turning people away from Islam instead of trying to bring them closer to Allah (swt). You of course are not obligated to listen to me or even respond but I truly hope you consider doing such.

-- Omar Asad  Omar...
I assume you are from America? Am I correct? If not, then that explains a lot. If your not from America, you must have no concept of FREE SPEECH. If you are , then you should know better. 
Lets go on the assumption you live in the US. I guess you are not familiar with the Constitution of the United States. You must not be familiar with  Amendment 1 of the Bill of Rights. Well, let me state it below:
 Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
  In asking me to shut down my site, you are asking me to impose self-censorship upon myself. You are asking me to be silent about the violence and atrocities being carried out around the world in the name of Islam. You do not want the free world to know about Islamic honor killings and the massive violence carried out in the name of Islam. We are being asked to shut down because muslim men  openly, constantly, and without remorse....initiates violence against women.

Is that what you are asking me to do?
 You guys just don't get it, do you? Islam owns terror organizations around the world. They are taking over countries. In north Africa alone, Boko Haram is working its way down to South Africa with the goal of eradicating Christianity and implementing Islamic Shariah Law. Why aren't American muslims speaking up about this? 
The Muslim Brotherhood has plans to put Shariah Law in place and make Jerusalem its capitol!!  Is that OK with you guys?
I can go on all day, but for your sake I won't. Your asking me to shut down my site because it may give visitors a negative impact and think badly of Islam.
Omar....this site gives the absolute correct image of Islam. Please tell me what is false and I will be glad to remove it. You won't find anything. What we post here is the truth. Islam is violent, blood thirsty and unrelenting evil. Please give me some good things about Islam. PLEASE!! And don't give me the stale answer of  how it makes muslim men so good and pure, because that is true BULL!
 Islam needs no help from me in giving the true impact of its ideology. It doesn't need me or my site to tell the world just what kind of cult this so-called "religion" really is. All people have to do is open the paper every morning. Watch the news in the evening. Read the myriad of web sites. you are well aware Omar, is more then just a religion. Its a self compassing personal, political and legal system that not only controls every aspect of a muslims life, but will assert authority over non-muslims, once the Islamists gain a majority. 
 Instead of wasting your time and asking those that run these anti-jihad site, why don't you start speaking up about the radicalization of muslims around the world? Why don't you tell the world how your going to make it your crusade to stop the violence being done to women and minorities? Why don't you start a program of "Muslims for equal rights"? 
Listen Omar....the Infidel Task Force dedicates and entire page called Silencing Americans Through Fear. It is full of articles on how  Islam and left wing politicals go about trying to shut us up. What will be next Omar? Are you going to send out those smirky innuendos of possible violence? Are you going to threaten the ITF by going to the site host and telling them what we publish is lies and you want them to take me down? Forget it Omar. They know my site and its one of the most popular. It ain't going anywhere.Are you going to tell me that you can't control those bad bad muslim men in Egypt that may kill Christians because of my site? Will you? Because that's what Islam does.
C'mon Omar. Grow up. Get a life. Start telling the truth of what Islam is doing to the world. You can do that by going out and ask the anti-western, anti-America, anti-Democracy, anti-Israel web sites to close THEIR sites.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Britain Ruled by Political Correctness

...this is truly scary. It means the Islamists are winning in Britain. Where is the EDL? It was made for just things such as this. TAKE BACK YOUR COUNTRY BRITS!! C'mon people, grow some balls. The media should be outraged. Parents should be aware and spreading this information. And where are the freakin' whistle blowers. If it was me...I would be shouting this out on street corners.
Since when have Islamists started intimidating us? This is alarming and frighting. Wake up Brits or America is next. Thank the lord we have the conservative blogs and rousing speakers as Brigitte Gabriel and Pam Geller and Robert Spencer. -BBJ
    A three-month trial that recently ended in Liverpool, where nine Muslim men were found guilty of raping dozens of British children, revealed that police and social workers in northern England repeatedly refuse to investigate Muslim paedophile gangs: they said they are afraid of being called racist.
(Soooooo...we cannot trust our law enforcement to do their damned jobs anymore)
The disturbing details that emerged during the trial have opened yet another chapter in a long-running debate about multiculturalism in Britain, where many say that political correctness has gone too far. (YA THINK??)
Less than a month after the trial in Liverpool ended on May 9, it emerged that social workers in the City of Rotherham, also in northern England, had known for six years that a teenage mother (identified as Child S) who was murdered for bringing shame on the families of two Pakistani men who had used her for sex, was at clear risk from predatory Muslim gangs.
On May 29, Rotherham Council's Safeguarding Children Board published a so-called Serious Case Review, but key politically incorrect passages which reveal that they had known she was at particular risk from "Asian men" (Muslim men) were blocked out with black lines.
The council went to court in an attempt to suppress the hidden information after an uncensored copy of the report was leaked to a British newspaper, but the legal action was eventually abandoned. The uncensored report confirmed that Child S had pursued dealings with 15 different agencies, and identified "numerous missed opportunities" to protect her; observers believe the agencies failed to do so because they did not want to be branded as racist. (Bottom line...they didn't want to be branded as racist by a group of rapists. FIRE THEM ALL!! They do not deserve those jobs. They do not want to properly perform the service they were hired to do. Worse off...they have no concerns for the young rape victim. FIRE THEM NOW!!)
 Read more HERE