Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
Muslims Surround Synagogue Creating ‘Peace Ring,’ There’s Just One Problem
On Saturday night, over a thousand people, mostly Muslims, surrounded a Jewish synagogue to support Jews with that they called a “Peace Ring,” but there was a serious issue with the organizer which is drawing criticism from many in the Jewish community.
The Norwegian event was organized with the endorsement of the Jewish community and was done as a protest to the February 15 slaying of a Jewish volunteer at a Copenhagen, Denmark synagogue by a Muslim. The protest was praised by the head of the Jewish community in Oslo, Ervin Kohn, as “extremely positive” and as something that may change the dynamics of the relationships between Jews and Muslims on Scandinavia, according to Haaretz.
While some agree with Kohn, many in Oslo’s Jewish community took issue with the fact that one of the event’s eight Muslim organizers had expressed extreme anti-Sematic views in the past. In 2008, Ali Chishti gave a speech titled “Therefore I Hate Jews and Gays” in Oslo, blaming Jews for planning the bombings of the Twin Towers in New York on 9/11.
“There were several thousand Jews away from work in the World Trade Center, and why there were more Jews in Mumbai when Pakistani terrorists attacked than usual?” Chishti said in his speech, trying to convince people that Jews had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks. “Jews are a small group, but everyone knows that they have a lot of power.”
A pro-Israel activist and member of Norway’s Jewish community, Eric Argaman, said Chishti’s involvement was a dark mark on the event, while questioning his sincerity in participating. Chishti’s involvement “stained the event, which now feels more like a spin, on our backs, than a gesture of good will,” Argaman said.
But during an interview with a Norwegian newspaper on Saturday, Chishti retracted his words and said he was “angry” at the time. “I have since changed my views,” he said, but he still condemned Israel for the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip by saying he “dislikes” those who support “an occupying force that has been condemned in several United Nations resolutions.”
Chishti tried to justify his anti-Israeli comments by saying he thinks it’s “important to distinguish between being critical of Israel and anti-Semitism.”
I find it incredibly hard to believe that someone who tried to blame Jews for the horrific attacks on the Twin Towers so easily changed their views. Regardless, with such statements being made in the past, it seems to be in extremely poor taste to have Chishti organize an event for peace at a synagogue of all places, especially considering he supports the Palestinian terrorists.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Israel election campaign heats up!!
A Palestinian rap band has threatened to take legal action against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party for releasing a campaign ad in which their song is associated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
“In the last propaganda video released by the Israeli Likud Party which is headed by the criminal Benjamin Netanyahu (Zionist right-wing), the song called 'Ghorbah' by Torabyeh has been used,” the Amman-based group called Torabyeh wrote on its Facebook page.
We reject “all forms of cooperation with the Zionist enemy”, and pledge to “take all necessary legal action against those responsible.”
"The use of the song in the particular context cannot be considered anything but deliberate propaganda of the Zionist right for the purpose of electoral propaganda and attacking the so-called Zionist 'left wing,'" the group said.
The video released by the Likud party for Israel's March election, implies that a vote for the left would benefit ISIS.
In the footage, several militants appear in a pickup truck while flying the ISIS flag before stopping to ask an Israeli driver for directions to Jerusalem.
The motorist later answers: “Just turn left.”
There was no immediate comment from Likud to Torabyeh's threat, according to Agence France Presse.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Texas 'Draw the Prophet' Contest is Shameless Muslim-Baiting
It's NOT race baiting!! It is a serious show to stand up for our Freedom Of Speech and Expression. If muslims and the liberals can't understand that....then TOUGH SHIT!!
In the wake of the terrorist attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, targeted for its irreverent depictions of the prophet Muhammad, Breitbart Texas reports that a "Draw the Prophet" event, accompanied by the First Annual Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest, is scheduled for May 3 in Garland, Texas. The winner takes home $10,000.
The contest is the brainchild of Pamela Geller, president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI). She has been denounced as an extremist by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which categorizes the AFDI as a hate group. According to the Center, Geller is the "anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead. She's relentlessly shrill and coarse in her broad-based denunciations of Islam."
The contest echoes Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten's publication in 2005 of editorial cartoons satirizing the Prophet. The move was meant to comment on self-censorship and resulted in protests throughout the Middle East. There are differing schools of thought in Islam about whether depictions of Muhammad are forbidden (see The Secret Islamic Devotional Art That Depicts Muhammad and Are Cartoons More Powerful Than Art?).
According to the 2010 U.S. Religious Census, cited in the Texas Almanac, the Lone Star State leads American states in the size of its Muslim population, with about 422,000 in 2010.
An image announcing the contest riffs on Norman Rockwell's most famous self-portrait, showing Muhammad painting a self-portrait and thus aiming to highlight the contrast between traditional American values and the beliefs of Islamist extremists. By enlisting Rockwell's saccharine vision to her cause, Geller only underlines her simplistic version of America.
Draw the Prophet is just the latest of Geller's anti-Muslim demonstrations, which include a rally protesting the Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) Stand by the Prophet conference, held in Garland last month in response to the Charlie Hebdo attack (see 12 Killed at Magazine Previously Attacked for Satirical Cartoons). In 2010, Geller organized a march on the site of the planned Lower Manhattan "Ground Zero Mosque" (see Proposed Mosque Near World Trade Center Reborn as a Muslim Museum).
"The beacon of freedom, the shining light on a hill, is running scared," Geller told Breitbart Texas of the Western media's reluctance to publish controversial images like the Charlie Hebdo cartoons (see Accused of Charlie Hebdo Censorship, AP Removes Piss Christ Image, Belgian Museum Cancels Charlie Hebdo Exhibition, Security Threats Force London's V&A to Remove Prophet Muhammad Artwork, and Why Self-Censorship of Controversial Artwork is Wrong). "We're holding this exhibit and cartoon contest to show how insane the world has become—with people in the free world tiptoeing in terror around supremacist thugs who actually commit murder over cartoons. If we can't stand up for the freedom of speech, we will lose it—and with it, free society."
No word on exactly how free speech is under threat, an especially untenable claim in view of the widespread publication of Charlie Hebdo cartoons (see #JeSuisCharlie: A Digest of Responses to the Killings at Charlie Hebdo).
Friday, February 13, 2015
Muslim Woman Fired From Television Job For Being Too Ugly
Modern-day actors and television personalities have proven that you don’t have to be a size 2 or have the facial features of a Greek god to make it on camera; however, one Muslim woman may have been considered too unattractive to appear on television.
According to Gulf News, a Saudi woman claims she was fired on her first day on the job at a news station because she was “not beautiful enough” to appear on-screen.
The woman, who has not been identified, alleges that she was offered a position as a news anchor and was given a contract by an Arab channel in Riyadh. However, when she reported for duty at the office, she claims that her boss informed her she would not be appearing on camera, Makkah reports.
The only reason for her termination she could cite was when the director became belligerent with her, who she claims insulted her by ultimately telling her that her looks were not good enough to be broadcast.
The embarrassed woman demands that her termination was a breach of contract because there was no stipulation of a three-month probationary period with a right for immediate dismissal.
She alleges that she was fired due to discrimination on the grounds of her physical appearance.
A court in Riyadh is due to examine her case.
Misogynistic rule on behavior and appearance is in full effect in Saudi Arabia. Television is an ideal outlet for purporting this standard, as other local cases have shown.
The Daily Mail reminds us of Noora Al Adwan, a female member of the Shura Council who demanded that a strict, conservative dress code be forced on all Saudi women in private stations.
Adwan claimed that uncovered female news casters were ruining the country’s reputation with Western clothing and heavy makeup.
Last year, when a Saudi female anchor reported from the London studio of Al Ekhbariya without a head-covering, she sparked outrage in the Muslim world.
She was looked at as a seducer and a woman who is attempting to adhere to Western culture, a sin under Sharia law.
Islam is an ideology of sex. Every abstinence from sin is to receive a sexual reward in the afterlife, but only for men. Devout Muslim men are believed to receive virgin boys and girls in heaven, along with their earthly wives. A devout Muslim woman will be lucky to serve her sex-thirsty husband in heaven.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Lebanon gets U.S. arms, vehicles to fight militants
The Lebanese army received a shipment of U.S. weapons on Sunday, an embassy official told AFP, to help in the fight against Islamist militants who have staged incursions from Syria.
“The Lebanese military received 72 M198 power supply [howitzers], and more than 25 million rounds of artillery, mortar and rifle ammunition,” the official said on condition of anonymity.
In a statement, the U.S. Embassy said the aid was worth $25 million, adding that the 26 million rounds of ammunition included small, medium and heavy artillery rounds.
“Support for the [Lebanese military] remains a top priority for the United States. Recent attacks against Lebanon’s army only strengthen America’s resolve to stand in solidarity with the people of Lebanon to confront these threats,” said the embassy.
It added: “The United States is providing top of the line weapons to the [Lebanese army] to help Lebanon’s brave soldiers in their confrontation with the terrorists.”
The deadliest battle took place last August in the border town of Arsal.
The jihadists withdrew after a deal brokered by Lebanese Sunni clerics, but they took with them more than two dozen army and police hostages.
Four of the hostages have since been executed, and efforts to release the remaining 25 appear completely stalled.
“In 2014 alone, the United States provided over $100 million to the [Lebanese military], adding to the $1 billion in assistance provided ... since 2006,” said the statement.
The civil war raging in Syria, which in nearly four years has killed more than 210,000 people, has had a major security, economic and humanitarian impact on Lebanon.
The tiny Mediterranean country was dominated militarily and politically by Syria for nearly 30 years until 2005.
It remains divided over the conflict in Syria, with Shiite Hezbollah and its allies backing President Bashar al-Assad, and the Sunni-led opposition supporting the revolt.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Can America Defend Itself Against Sharia Law?
By Gary DeMar / /
The Constitution doesn’t tell us. The Constitution contains little moral prescription even though Article VI states, “This Constitution . . . shall be the Supreme law of the land.” But there’s not much law, other than procedural law, in the Constitution. It tells us how the national government is to work in terms of authority and its relationship to the states. There are no prohibitions against murder, rape, stealing. These moral prohibitions are assumed.
The Preamble begins with “We the people.” But we’ve seen how the courts have overturned the will of the people on the question of same-sex marriage. More than 30 states have ruled that same-sex marriage should not be permitted. Judges have dismissed the will of the people and the law-making efforts of the legislature.
The framers mistakenly believed that there was no need to acknowledge an independent and objective body of law since natural law — “the laws of nature and of nature’s God” — was almost universally accepted. The belief system was written into the Declaration of Independence and acknowledged in the Constitution. This is why Clarence Thomas could write: “We look at the Natural Law beliefs of the founders as a background to our Constitution.”[1] The left-leaning members of the committee took exception to Thomas’s natural law beliefs. Joseph Biden – yes, that Joseph Biden – wrote an article that appeared in the Washington Post[2] in which he claimed the following for his version of natural law:
- It does not “function as being a specific moral code regulating individual behavior.”
- It is not “a static set of unchanging principles.”
- It is “an evolving body of ideals.”
Natural Law in the West was formulated by reading the world through the lens of the Bible. Once the Bible was dismissed and evolution accepted, Natural Law had lost its moral foundation. Natural Law became the law of the jungle.
An evolving law means a flexible law that can be manipulated by whoever’s in power. If Muslims gain power in the United States, as they are doing, then they could change America into an Islamic Caliphate bound by Sharia law. Sharia law can advance in the West because Western law is morally bankrupt.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Over 25000 Terror Attacks Since 9/11
Just give this some thought for a moment…. 25000 Islamic Terror attacks in almost 15 years. That is 25000!! How many Jewish terror attacks? Christian terror attacks? Hindu? Buddhist? How about atheists? I don’t remember reading about any of those?Oh Wait!! Timothy Mc Veigh!! No…he was just a radical idiot and was not a supporter of any religion. Besides that was back in April 19, 1995.
Every day I read articles and commentaries about Islam forcing its sub-human culture on the entire world. They force their demands and we fold. They scream offense at the mere mention of Islam in a dark light, and when they cannot get their way, they scream Islamaphobia and play victim.
But constantly throughout the world, Islamists are pushing the Islamic agenda. Whether it be the blood thirsty Jihadis killing muslims and non-muslims alike and leaving body parts in their wake. Or the Silent Jihad happening in the West. Their aim is to force the Islamic (so-called) religion of Shariah Law down our throats.
And its not going to stop.
As long as we have leftist liberals in office that want to do absolutely nothing to combat the disease, we will always be on the losing side. And our children will be as well. In fact our children in America will have less free speech then we do today. Muslims in America may put up that shroud of innocent victim, they will do whatever their Imams tell them to do. They have to listen to the leaders, because Muslims in America are the sheep being led by their Clerics, don’t let anybody tell you different. As long as you have a percentage of muslims that support Shariah Law over the law of the land you will have problems, and that percentage is growing.
25,000 Attacks, conducted by the longest list of terror organizations that I have ever seen. The US Department of state has a web site that publishes a list of terror groups. It would be in your interest to visit this site.
Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLF)
al-Qa’ida (AQ)
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (formerly al-Qa’ida in Iraq) ISIS
…and this is just to name a few.
But a few is all it takes. Just like a few Nazis took over Germany and started Wprld War 2. Just like a few Communists controlled millions throughout the 20th century and still holds Cuba, China and Viet Nam. How about a few followers of Pol Pot? Mao Tse Tung? Kim Jong Un?
It doesn’t take a whole lot of idiots to put a vicious or incompetent jerk in office. We did in America with Obama.
With what we have for leadership in this country and around the world, do you truly expect us to have a victory of thoughtless killers? Vicious savages that only want to spread the word of Islam and control every country on this planet. Do you expect to win when we have nothing but left leaning Islamic sympathizers in almost every college in America? College professors that support Muslim associations and look the other way when Anti Semitic acts occur.
Do you really expect a victory when our own media supports ISIS supporters instead of Democracy? The media will be the first to be closed!!
Think about this and think about how many attacks in the next 15 years.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
ISLAMAPOLOGISTS: Allen West Muddies Obama’s Prayer Rug
West is being dismantled. And not with the permission of those
who built and maintain it. It’s being destroyed from within, by a
tyrannical system parading as a religion. But how is this possible
living under freedom, with free expression enshrined in our foundational
The Written by Audrey Russo on February 1, 2015
It’s made possible by those IN the West: Who have our Enemy’s back.
Those elected and privileged enough to be granted the position of protecting freedom for all, have instead …because of political expediency/myopia, selfish goals, and the loss of ALL testicular fortitude…become the advocates for tyranny.
Islam apologists…or as Allen West (and friend Greg Mosing) coined it: Islamapologists, are those who ignore the heart of Islamic terrorist behavior…and immediately jump to the defense of this violent ideology, while implicating the victims or ANYONE who questions the integrity of Islam.
Some Islamapologists know EXACTLY what they’re doing, like John Esposito, Nathan Lean, Barack Obama…and anyone at CAIR. And others defend Islam out of sheer ignorance of the ideology, simply parroting the erroneous reports they’ve received in the mainstream media. Yet others…like Western leaders…do it out of political expediency, so they are careful not to publicly know TOO much about Islam, or they will be forced to do what’s right for the people they serve.
Islamapologists are some of the most dangerous people living under freedom today. They are as culpable as the Jihadists themselves, because they are the gatekeepers of freedom. Instead of aiding in the preservation of the freedom so many died to protect, they have chosen to give access to those who long to kill, steal and destroy all that has made free people rejoice in safety.
And they roll out this “welcome” mat (prayer rug)…with every lie they disseminate, that polishes the image of Islam.
Thanks to Allen West…we can now identify Islamapologists, like President Obama: They’re the ones with the muddy prayer rugs.
Shalom through strength…
Read More HERE
DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS: Muslim Invited to Give Opening Prayer at Texas Rodeo, Texans Fire Back
FORT WORTH – Giving thanks at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo has become more diverse this year as officials have cast a wider net to include more faith-based groups that offer prayers before the bareback bronc riding begins.
The Stock Show’s Facebook page lit up this week after Moujahed Bakhach of the Islamic Association of Tarrant County offered the public prayer at Sunday night’s rodeo performance.
While many of the comments on the Stock Show’s Facebook page were supportive of the more inclusive prayer policy, most were not. Opposition did not seem personally directed at Bakhach or his words, but expressed outrage at the inclusion of a member of the Islamic clergy during a time of violence and extremism involving radical Muslim terrorists.
A sampling of the sentiments expressed:
“I just will choose NOT to go somewhere that embraces a religion that wants me, my family and my people DEAD.”
“Muslim/Islam has no place in this country let alone fwssr. Not one Muslim has come out against the radical actions that is the Muslim belief. PERIOD. COWBOYS DON’T WANT IT.”
“This really disappoints me in the FWSSR! Sad to see such a Texas & American institution fall in the gutter of political correctness.”
Read More HERE
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Interview with John Guandolo
Mr. Guandolo is a 1989 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and took a commission as an Officer in the United States Marine Corps. He served with 2d Battalion 2d Marines as an Infantry Platoon Commander in combat Operations Desert Shield/Storm. From 1991–1996, he served in 2d Force Reconnaissance Company as a Platoon Commander, Assistant Operations Officer, and the unit’s Airborne and Diving Officer. During this time, he also deployed to the Adriatic/Bosnia. He served for one year as the Unit Leader for the CINC’s In–Extremis Force, directly reporting to a Combatant Commander in a classified mission profile. Mr. Guandolo was a combat diver, a military freefall parachutist, and is a graduate of the U.S. Army Ranger School.
In 1996, Mr. Guandolo resigned his commission in the Marine Corps and joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), serving at the Washington Field Office. From 1996–2000, he primarily conducted narcotics investigations domestically and overseas. In 2001, he served for one year as the FBI Liaison to the U.S. Capitol Police investigating threats on the President, Vice President, Members of Congress and other high–level government officials. Shortly after 9/11, Mr. Guandolo began an assignment to the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI’s Washington Field Office developing an expertise in the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, the global Islamic Movement, and a myriad of terrorist organizations to include Hamas, Al Qaeda, and others.
In 2006, Mr. Guandolo created and implemented the FBI’s first Counterterrorism Training/Education Program focusing on the Muslim Brotherhood and their subversive movement in the United States, Islamic Doctrine, and the global Islamic Movement. He was designated a “Subject Matter Expert” by FBI Headquarters. This course was hailed as “groundbreaking” by the FBI’s Executive Assistant Director in a brief to the Vice President’s National Security Staff. For his efforts, in 2007 Mr. Guandolo was presented the “Defender of the Homeland” Award, by U.S. Senators John Kyl and Joseph Lieberman, on behalf of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. While at the FBI, Mr. Guandolo received two (2) United States Attorney’s Awards for Investigative Excellence.
After his FBI career, Mr. Guandolo worked for the Department of Defense conducting Strategic Analysis on the Global Islamic Movement.
Currently, Mr. Guandolo advises governments—U.S. and others—on matters related to National Security, specifically the threat from the Global Islamic Movement. He actively briefs and teaches members of Congress, law enforcement, the intelligence community, military, National Guard, key community leaders, and others. He also served as an adjunct instructor at the Joint Forces Staff College and the U.S. Army War College.
Mr. Guandolo is the co–author of Shariah—The Threat to America, the first comprehensive book on the enemy threat doctrine, and the author of Raising a Jihadi Generation (September 2013) which details the Muslim Brotherhood infrastructure and threat inside the United States.
Mr. Guandolo is a Claremont Institute Lincoln Fellow, a Senior Fellow at the Centennial Institute, and is a Knight of Saint John of the Hospitallers—Ecumenical Order (Knights of Malta).
He is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion, and the Force Recon Association.
Mr. Guandolo frequently appears on television and radio, and regularly publishes articles related to these matters in a number of media outlets.
His website is
Mr.Guandolo for an interview a major victory for the ITF. So sit back
and read one of the finest interviews by Infidel Task Force
Administrator BlackbootJack.
Click here and take the time to read one of the most important interviews this web site has ever obtained.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Muslims never guilty of 'terrorist massacres,' Turkey's Erdogan insists
Yeah...It's always someone else's fault...Jews...Americans..French...Brits...ALWAYS someone else.
Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan’s increasingly bizarre rhetoric continued this week when he told reporters Muslims have "never taken part in terrorist massacres" and appeared to blame the West for the recent Islamist attacks in Paris.
The NATO nation leader and western ally has moved his powerful nation further from its Constitutionally-mandated secularism in recent years, and has drawn criticisms for not doing more to stop the flow of foreign jihadis, who pass through Istanbul on their way to join Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. But Monday's comments, against the backdrop of near-universal condemnation of the Islamist attack on French satirical tabloid Charlie Hebdo, could further isolate Erdogan from the West.
“As Muslims, we've never taken part in terrorist massacres," Erdogan said. "Behind these lie racism, hate speech, and Islamophobia. French citizens carry out such a massacre, and Muslims pay the price. The West's hypocrisy is obvious.”
Read More Islamic BULLSHIT HERE
Friday, January 16, 2015
Democrats defend naming Muslim to House Intelligence panel
I hope the FBI follows him into the mens room!!
WASHINGTON (AP) — Top Democrats
are defending their appointment of a Muslim congressman to the House
Intelligence Committee after protests erupted on social media, warning
the move is dangerous.
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi this week appointed Rep. Andre Carson of
Indiana to the panel, which oversees the government's intelligence
departments and activities. Much of the business that comes before the
committee is classified.
protests erupted on Twitter and other social media with complaints that
exposing American secrets to Carson could be dangerous.
widely rejected that view. Pelosi said Carson is the only member of
Congress to have served in a Department of Homeland Security Fusion
Center, which provides intelligence sharing and training across levels
of government. Carson also serves on the House Armed Services Committee.
Adam Schiff of California, the senior Democrat on the panel, called the
protests un-American. He said including Muslim Americans in public
policy issues is "an essential element in preventing the kind of
alienation that has made too many young European Muslims vulnerable to
Rep. Joseph Crowley of New York, vice chairman of the Democratic Caucus, called on his colleagues to renounce the attacks.
will never be able to grow as a society if we allow this kind of hatred
and division to go unchecked," Crowley wrote in a letter to his
Thursday, January 15, 2015
More Muslim converts worry Ottawa imam
Usually news of more people converting to one’s religion is somewhat pleasant for religious leaders but that doesn’t seem to be the case for the imam of one of Ottawa’s largest mosques, where an increased number of conversions is worrying him.
Sam Metwally, the imam of Canada’s Ottawa Mosque, told CBC News that he witnessed “the biggest number” of conversions he has seen after the deadly shootings outside the Canadian parliament on Oct. 22.
Metwally said anywhere from 15 to 20 men in their 20s to 30s have come to the mosque to convert since the shootings.
“This is the biggest number after an event like this happens, and it was strange,” he said.
What is worrying for the Muslim community is that the new converts are not returning back to the mosques for further education about Islam.
“We try to give them our contacts, we try to encourage them to come again, but unfortunately the vast, vast majority of new converts, they come once and they disappear,” Metwally said.
“They never come back again. And this is a big concern for us.”
Some Muslim leaders demand a strict policy in place at all mosques across Ottawa, requiring potential converts to take a course in order to understand the religion.
“What we’ve been hearing from converts for years is that the Muslim community actually needs to do more for converts,” Amira Elghawaby, a member The National Council of Canadian Muslims, said.
She added: “The community needs to be providing more Muslim 101 classes, we need to be inviting people who are new to the faith to come in and learn.”
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, the man behind the parliament shooting in October, was a convert to Islam.
Before converting, he was a habitual offender, drug addict and slept in shelters on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, according to reports.
Before his Parliament Hill stunt, Zehaf-Bibeau, was asked to leave a Vancouver mosque he attended since he objected to its policy of allowing in non-Muslims.
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