Just give this some thought for a moment…. 25000 Islamic Terror attacks in almost 15 years. That is 25000!! How many Jewish terror attacks? Christian terror attacks? Hindu? Buddhist? How about atheists? I don’t remember reading about any of those?Oh Wait!! Timothy Mc Veigh!! No…he was just a radical idiot and was not a supporter of any religion. Besides that was back in April 19, 1995.
Every day I read articles and commentaries about Islam forcing its sub-human culture on the entire world. They force their demands and we fold. They scream offense at the mere mention of Islam in a dark light, and when they cannot get their way, they scream Islamaphobia and play victim.
But constantly throughout the world, Islamists are pushing the Islamic agenda. Whether it be the blood thirsty Jihadis killing muslims and non-muslims alike and leaving body parts in their wake. Or the Silent Jihad happening in the West. Their aim is to force the Islamic (so-called) religion of Shariah Law down our throats.
And its not going to stop.
As long as we have leftist liberals in office that want to do absolutely nothing to combat the disease, we will always be on the losing side. And our children will be as well. In fact our children in America will have less free speech then we do today. Muslims in America may put up that shroud of innocent victim, they will do whatever their Imams tell them to do. They have to listen to the leaders, because Muslims in America are the sheep being led by their Clerics, don’t let anybody tell you different. As long as you have a percentage of muslims that support Shariah Law over the law of the land you will have problems, and that percentage is growing.
25,000 Attacks, conducted by the longest list of terror organizations that I have ever seen. The US Department of state has a web site that publishes a list of terror groups. It would be in your interest to visit this site.
Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLF)
al-Qa’ida (AQ)
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (formerly al-Qa’ida in Iraq) ISIS
…and this is just to name a few.
But a few is all it takes. Just like a few Nazis took over Germany and started Wprld War 2. Just like a few Communists controlled millions throughout the 20th century and still holds Cuba, China and Viet Nam. How about a few followers of Pol Pot? Mao Tse Tung? Kim Jong Un?
It doesn’t take a whole lot of idiots to put a vicious or incompetent jerk in office. We did in America with Obama.
With what we have for leadership in this country and around the world, do you truly expect us to have a victory of thoughtless killers? Vicious savages that only want to spread the word of Islam and control every country on this planet. Do you expect to win when we have nothing but left leaning Islamic sympathizers in almost every college in America? College professors that support Muslim associations and look the other way when Anti Semitic acts occur.
Do you really expect a victory when our own media supports ISIS supporters instead of Democracy? The media will be the first to be closed!!
Think about this and think about how many attacks in the next 15 years.
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